About the Society

       The Society is involved in a wide range of activities including regular meetings, guided walks in the Falkirk area, field trips, research and publication, talks to interested groups and heritage related campaigns.You will find details of how to join the Society here.

      The  meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from September to May in Falkirk Trinity Church in the town centre.  Visitors are very welcome.  There is no charge.  The meetings usually involve an illustrated talk using slides on a historical topic, local or national, by speakers from within the Society or outside specialists.  They start at 7.30pm and finish at around 9.00 to 9.30pm.  These meetings are very well attended, attracting an average of 80 each evening. You will find the current programme of meetings here.

      During the Summer there are a series of guided historical walks within the Falkirk area and each Spring we have a weekend trip to some historical corner of Scotland or the North of England.

Now also on Facebook.

      The Society publishes a Journal called “Calatria” and has acted as partner to commercial book publishers on three occasions when local history topics were involved.  More recently we have published full length works on our own behalf and details of these can be found in our Publications section.